Friday, August 1, 2008

Apologist, is this acceptable to you?

By Madut A. Majok

Oh, apologist of the Sudanese state, the supporters of rent seeking, the murderers of fellow compatriots, the assembly of greedy racketeers, the oppressors of the peripheral regions in the Sudan for the last 52 years, your days are numbered.

Violence, your alternative to dialogue in solving national issues has been neutralized by the heroic deeds of the marginalized. Religion, the vehicle you have used to rally the poor to support your greed has been betrayed by your own actions in Darfur and tainted by your support of international terrorism.

Instead of shouting slogans in the support of Al Bashir who has brought nothing to Sudan but shame, we are better off trying to find what we can do to heal the wounds inflicted on the marginalized people and to build a New Sudan on the premise of equality in citizenship, where we are all governed by the axiom: Equality for all and privileges for none? Apologist, is this acceptable to you?

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