Friday, August 15, 2008

My view on central question of Unity and Separation in the Sudan

By Madut A. Majok

I strongly believe that many Sudanese from all the four geographical regions of the Sudan do not want to dismember the country. The blame on separation which is a likelihood for the case of South Sudan lies squarely on elites from Northern Sudan who were and are still hell bent to defined Sudan in their own image without due consideration to its rich diversity.

Whatever southerners, Dafurian and people from Eastern Sudan decide in the future should be viewed as a reaction to perennial injustices they have endured since Sudan gained its rightful place among independent nations in 1956.

Surely, separation will come, but its achievement is not the wish of many Sudanese as mentioned earlier. The injustices meted out on south Sudanese and now on people of Darfur have made many Sudanese from peripheral regions to view separation as the only viable solution.

If our compatriots from the North are serious about Sudan’s unity, they should take it as a matter of urgency to identify themselves with the marginalized people and not with those of Naife Ali Naife and other bigots. With Naife speaking on their behalf, the marginalized will always consider Naife’s continuity to spew poison as the signal for us to part ways.

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